THE MUSHROOM HUNTER by María Encarnación Carrillo

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020

THE ARTIST WAY, Julia Cameron (Macmillan, 1993)



...Ese punto clave de inflexión en el que es necesario de una vez por todas erigir el altar:


"In order to stay easily and happily creative, we need to stay spiritually centered. This is easier to do if we allow ourselves centering rituals...A spiritual room or even a spiritual corner is an excellent way to do this. 
This haven can be a corner of a room, a nook under the stairs, even a window ledge. It is a reminder and an acknowledgment of the fact that our creator un folds our creativity. Fill it with things that make you happy. Remember that your artist is fed by images. We need to unlearn our old notion that spirituality and sensuality don't mix. An artist's altar should be a sensory experience."

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